We all knew it would happen someday, after all, she was 98 1/2!!! My goodness, I have zero desire to live that long. She was ready to go, I’m happy it was fairly peaceful. My heart hurts, even more than ever for so many reason. She was a woman who loved the Lord with all her being. She was a prayer warrior. She was one hell of a cook and she couldn’t hear worth a dam. But we all still loved her to pieces, despite our constant yelling at her, just so she could hear us. She was from New York and had an opinion about everything. She knew all the Jewish curse words, this was our favorite thing to glean from her. She loved her man. Most of all she loved Jesus. She wasn’t perfect. She was one of 5. She had broken both hips, but she still walked. She drove until she was 90. She truly believed sugar was great on everything. I’m not here to glorify her, but she certainly was one heck of a Grandma. She opened her home and her heart to me over 20 years ago, and she didn’t have to. I will miss you dearly, you will continue to be an inspiration to me. I love you, with all of my heart. ~ally 2.0
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