I recently had the opportunity to photograph all 29 poses we practice in the Dayton Method, at the hot yoga studio in Atascadero. For those yogis out there, the Dayton method is very similar to Bikram with a few additional postures. Hot Yoga has been the best form of exercise for the body and mind I’ve found, and I’m pretty sure I’m hooked for life!
Studio owners, Janet and Roel, had asked students who could do the poses in “full expression” to be our subjects. We photographed over four sessions. I’ve shared some of my favorite postures below.
My favorite aspect of practicing hot yoga is not just the way it makes me feel, but the personal challenge each practice presents. It’s not a “team” sport and there’s no competition, it’s simply a personal journey. You can focus on the stretches and form, or just on breathing and relaxing your mind from the daily grind, you pick your journey. This life is so full of hustle and bustle, most of us don’t take enough time for ourselves to stop, listen and not think, truly allowing our minds to relax. At the end of a class I feel relaxed, calm and happy inside. To top it off, the community at this hot yoga studio is really wonderful. Lots of great people from all different walks of life, coming together to benefit their body and minds!
To learn more please visit: Hot Yoga Atascadero
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