If you’re a long time blog follower you’ll know I don’t make “new year resolutions,” instead I choose a word to implement in my life throughout the year. I wasn’t sure I was actually going to choose a word this year as it’s been a bit of a wild ride personally and professionally over the last 8 months. All good of course! So when I was thinking about what my “word” might be, I was at a loss and even felt a little overwhelmed. Overwhelmed Allyson, seriously, we’re talking about one word here, not some catastrouphic event. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks .. S I M P L E, it’s simple really … most things in this life are when you boil them down, right? It’s official, my word became S I M P L E.
Since choosing my mantra I approach each task with that little word in the back of my head. From the ordinary mundane tasks of bottle washing to the more inspiring job of album designs, it’s all truly simple, if I have that as my mindset. My blog posts are also going to become more S I M P L E!
Happy 2013, it’s going to be an awesome year!
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