Well, it’s been a while! When we don’t blog, it’s not because we aren’t shooting, it’s usually quite the opposite. The 50 family sessions for Children of the Central Coast 2013 are winding down and we’d like to share some of our favorite images! Special thank you to each family who participated to raise $5000 to the incredible non-profit, CASA San Luis Obispo.
I’d like to thank Jill, Tina, Marilyn and Michelle; without their help and support this whole project would not have come to life. A special thank you to the venues who opened their doors and allowed us to use your beautiful backdrops!!! Orchard Hill, Pomar Junction, Dana Powers House, J Dusi Vineyards, Hammersky Vineyards … thank you thank you thank you!
Recently I met with a CASA director who shared a story with me about one of the kids who decades ago went through their program. Fast forward 20+ years, she re-connected with her mentor, and has gone through CASA training herself, so that she can come along side other children in situations she encountered as a child, and go to court to speak on their behalf. These are the kids of stories that are created through CASA. We are grateful for the people who choose to be trained up, and speak into and on the behalf of these children in abused and neglected homes. THANK YOU!

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