It’s always about this time of year, I become, Exhausted, with a capital E! I think it’s just the simple accumulation of the season, shooting a TON of weddings and portraits {all the whilst smiling the whole time behind my camera, sometimes a tear, mostly a large grin} albums going out and coming in, yearning for vacation and time with my family, behind in my blogging, but completely Blessed!
Gabi and Brian’s wedding was SO wonderful to be a part of, not just the day of, but the whole process. I can say with a full heart, these two are awesome individuals, and together, well, watch out world! Full of genuine sweet and spice, Gabi being the first, Brian the later, a perfect compliment. I know they will be a fantastic team for the rest of their lives.
I just feel so grateful and blessed, weekend after weekend, to be a small part of my couple’s lives. Witnessing love, family, committment, Forever. It literally gives me chills just thinking and writing about it! I saw it again just on Saturday. There is something about forever, love, and those who wait, patiently, for the right person. When it happens, it’s MAGIC, and I am the lucky one who gets to witness and capture it, to be shared through the generations, forever!
Thank you Gabi and Brian, it was a pure honor to be a part of the first day of the rest of your lives together. To your families … the love and support surrouding Gabi and Brian on this amazing day, was so incredibly obvious and completely refreshing, thank you for having us!
Since I’m short on time, this is a very abbreviated post, image wise … but the silver lining is our FACEBOOK page where you can see a bunch more! Happy Monday! Go THERE now to see MORE!
wedding at the montecito country club
wedding at the montecito country club
wedding at the montecito country club
montecito country club wedding
montecito country club wedding
montecito country club wedding
montecito country club wedding
wedding a montecito country club
wedding at the montecito country club
montecito country club wedding
their FANTASTIC team …
The amazing, fantastic, organized, fun and wonderful …. Sonia Hopkins XOXO Bride {need I say more, she’s AWESOME!}
The always entertaining, get this party moving, Scott Topper {love you too Scottie!}
Montecito Country Club
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