When Tiffany asked if we’d be willing to travel to Austin to shoot her and Leo’s engagement photos, we said YES! It’s a place we’ve always wanted to check out, so this was the perfect opportunity.
Let me start with saying, it was most certainly an adventure shoot! I often tell clients we should refer to engagement sessions as “adventure sessions” instead, and this shoot was no exception. Usually we are hiking somewhere or doing something precarious, but not the case this time …
Tiffany and Leo are moving to Austin, and moving their company The Chive there as well. We had a day of exploring planned, split between to the morning and the evening, to try to beat the heat … ha! We tried, but I think ultimately, the heat won.
We started out shooting at their new home, near the heart of the South Congress area. This area was super cool, old school Austin, lots of food trucks, vintage flare type atmosphere, fun! After getting locked on their rooftop deck in 100degrees, we decided we needed a cold beer at their favorite tavern, and an afternoon nap. (just kidding about the nap part)
When we reconnected in the afternoon we checked out some old ruins with an overview of the ‘weird’ city, then checked out the new Resignation Media headquarters, and headed over to the graffiti park. This place was fantastic!!! So fun, different and FULL of color. We stumbled upon one of Leo’s art pieces of Bill Murray someone had tagged. Of course an evening wouldn’t be complete in Austin without enjoying the river and waiting for a glimpse of the bats!
Through all our adventures, somehow, we managed to “Keep Calm and Chive ON” KCCO : )
Let the adventure continue! Can’t wait for your big day in September.
cheers, allyson

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