I was invited to shoot Justin Winery’s Winemaker Dinner, on the weekend of Paso Robles Wine Festival Weekend. I was happy to do so, because not only am I a fan of Paso Robles Wines, I am a fan of Justin Wines in particular… I have been drinking their wines for many years and they are consistently delicious and live up the the reputation that Justin worked so hard to create. And oddly enough, I am also a fan of Top Chef. I have watched most seasons of Top Chef and watch the second season faithfully. The second season just so happen to feature Marcel Vigneron as one if the competitors for the Top Chef title. When I found out that Marcel was going to be the Guest Chef for the Winemaker dinner, I was elated. Watching Marcel and the Justin crew whip up an amazing meal for the Justin Wine Society, was a real treat. I had no idea taking photographs of a bustling kitchen would be so much fun. Looking forward to doing it again soon!
Thank you to the entire Justin Winery event staff for being so sweet and welcoming
Thank you to Marcel for your grace of allowing me space to shoot in your kitchen, you were a delight to watch, I was throughly entertained.
Wine Barrel Head Creative Sign
Justin Isosceles Wine Bottles
Food Prepared by Top Chef All Star, Marcel Vigneron
Food Prepared by Top Chef All Star, Marcel Vigneron
Food Prepared by Top Chef All Star, Marcel Vigneron
Justin Winery Winemaker Dinner, liquidnitrogen creates quiet the show.
Marcel Vigneron and Justin Baldwin at 2012 Paso Robles Wine Festival Winemaker Dinner
Food Prepared by Top Chef All Star, Marcel Vigneron
Food Prepared by Top Chef All Star, Marcel Vigneron
Marcel Vigneron, Guest Chef for Justin Winery Winemaker Dinner
Marcel Vigneron goofing around behind the scenes
Marcel Vigneron goofing around behind the scenes
Food Prepared by Top Chef All Star, Marcel Vigneron
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