I am blessed with a wonderful team, Jill and Ali. Some of my readers know them and can attest to how truly lucky I am to have them be a part of the studio. Each year during our downtime we work together to build our skills, bounce ideas off each other and just take time to get better at our craft. As an artist, I am a firm believer in “the joy of the journey” and truly, we never arrive, it’s a lifetime process.
When Francesca wrote me about her upcoming wedding and we started corresponding, she mentioned she really wanted their engagement photos shot at the Neon Museum in Las Vegas. They live in the area, and since their wedding will be on the Central Coast, it was important to them to have something that reflected their lives together in the town they live. The timing could not have been better, as “the three musketeers with cameras” were already planning to attend the annual photography convention, WPPI. As part of our journey this year, we had the opportunity to all three photograph Francesca and Jeremy. What a treat for us! and what pressure for them! They, as you will see, where amazing in front of the camera and together.
We are so thrilled to have had the opportunity to spend this time with you both and snap away, thanks for bearing with us!
Joy + blessings!
For me visiting the Neon Museum was a real trip! My grandparents lived in Las Vegas when I was young and we would visit pretty often. I recall a lot of these signs when they were on the strip and in working order! Like the Stardust … which actually lasted almost the longest of a lot of the older casinos.
LOVE the color in this shot! I can’t wait to incorporate some of these shots into some encaustic pieces : )
and now, back to our regular scheduled post ….
engagement photos at the neon museum las vegas
Isn’t Francesca beautiful?! Jeremy, you are a lucky man!
couldn’t resist a self portrait!
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