This summer (aka wedding season) I’ve been super pro-active in trying to keep “ahead of the game,” so I have more time for the things I love; my husband, gardening, riding my bike, cooking, my new found sport of golf, reading, my sgt “gunny” highway (our dog). Ultimately I do this in attempt to be constantly living from a place of inspiration…in my personal life and in my work.
In living this way, I am finding myself and my life, full; full of energy for new projects, full of inspiration, full of joy, truly living my life to it’s fullest. I guess I’m writing this to encourage you to do the same. I know “things” can stack up, and that is can be hard to get ahead, but I encourage you to try. As Meadow Devor says, “Bag it, Better it, or Barter it,” just get it done. It’s occured to me that when we live such busy lives running the rat race of deadlines, stress and just dealing with life, we are cutting off the opportunity for blessings and opportunity, because frankly, we make ourselves unavailable!
Think about it!
I truly do not think God intended us to life “busy” lives…why would He have created so much for us to enjoy on this earth? So I encourage you to not let work or the pressure of things we “do” rob us of our lives…Focus on what you want in life and manifest it!
If you don’t like your story, rewrite it. You’re holding the pen. ~Karenism
These are a few shots from Brad and Katie’s pre-wedding sunset cruise – talk about enjoying life! The first one is my Danny boy…enjoy!
After I posted these I realize how what I’m trying to convey is a lot like a sailboat. Is your sail, full or deflated?! What do you need to do to “inflate” it? Go in the right direction…
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