
grateful & thankful

CATEGORIES: Allyson Landscapes, Landscapes

As I sit down to write this entry, I am thinking about all the moments, days and memories I get to participate in each year.  I think of not only my personal moments over this past year…like our 10 year wedding anniversary, time with our closest friends and family, vacations.  I also think of all those wedding vows I have the chance to celebrate nearly every weekend, and all those giggles and smiles from the kids and family shoots.  Those moments I am given the opportunity to capture, so they can be relived, forever.  Without people, I would have no one to love, and no one to love me back, nobody to take photos of (boo-hoo) and no one to experience life with!  I’m so grateful God gave us mates, friends, family and especially pets! 

Each year my list is pretty much the same ….Jesus, Dan – my loving husband, Gunny, our health, family, friends, awesome clients, dreams, a warm home, a gorgeous studio, a car that runs, wine, chocolate, the vitamix and the list goes on, quickly from people to food.  ….  but the true gems of the list are the people, and the experiences of life.

There is always something magical around the holidays, good times and good food, with close family and friends, what a blessing those moments are!  They are the true treasure life.  It’s so easy to be discontented in what you think you may want, and forget about the people and things you already have!  I know I can get in this mode on occasion, but it’s usually fixed pretty quick with a gratitude list….I encourage you to be truly thankful and count your blessings each day, and especially in this upcoming holiday season!


I’ll “leave” you with a little landscape of the amazing fall colors this season, so incredibly GORGEOUS!!!  We are so blessed to live on the central coast – our surroundings are an everyday reminder of how lucky we are to be in this part of California.


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